this month Conny Kuilboer & Joachim Devillé

Two artists from Actionfields will presenting new work :

Conny Kuilboer
'Wander', 24 x 14 x 16 cm, 2013,
part of installation 'Motif' 2013, dimensions variable, site specific installation at Poppositions 2013, Brass, Bruxelles

Joachim Devillé

***Two shows coming up, first one is a duo-show with Elleke Hageman at the exhibition space of the Academy for Arts Den Bosch (Netherlands), opening April 18th (more info coming up soon...)

***Second is a group exhibition called "Rewind FF Fake Fair", which I am curating myself together with my dear friend Christian Noirfalise at my Renold Studio Brussels. Opening April 19th, you are more then welcome!!